Identification of microorganisms by sequencing Accepted material: isolated strain (agar plate, agar slant, cryotube, stick, DNA card…), air, water, surface, environment, food, cosmetic. Visible...
Characterization of fecal contamination (detection and characterization of human vs animal origin) Accepted material : water, surface, food, cosmetic. Recreational waters (bathing, tourist...
Detection of microorganisms responsible for gastroenteritis epidemics Virus analysis Hepatitis E Accepted material: food (mainly liver-based) and water Norovirus G1, Norovirus G2, Hepatitis A...
Food authenticity analysis - Speciation Accepted material: food and surface Simple detection Chicken Beef Pork Horse Sheep Simultaneous detection Chicken, Beef, Pork, Rabbit, Sheep, Goat, Horse,...